Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Puerto Rico

I missed the guest lecture but enjoyed learning about the culture in Puerto Rico through Chapter 5. I find it interesting that even though Puerto Rico is apart of the United States, it is very different.

One thing I found interesting is that for All Saint's Day on January 5th, children in Puerto Rico put out cookies and milk before they go to bed. Then in the morning they open presents that were left under the beds. This tradition is really similiar to a christmas eve tradition in the US. On Christmas eve children put out cookies and milk for santa and then in the morning open the presents that santa left for them. Both traditions are similar, except they are for different holidays.

Puerto Rico is independent, but they are considered to be an U.S. territory. Despite having a U.S. citizenship, Puerto Ricans cannot particpate in US politcs and cannot vote in president relationships. They do have their own government and participate in that. I also find it interesting that even though Puerto Ricans are in a sense part of the U.S., many Puerto Ricans do not know English.

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