Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 was really interesting to learn because in my previous spanish classes we didn't go into depth when it came to learning about food. I think this is probably one of the most aplicable chapter, well in our case anyway, because we're more likely to go to restaurants where they speak spanish opposed to a country.
We also learned about direct object pronouns in this chapter. I admit, that at first it was a little hard, but once I got the grasp of it, it wasn't as bad as it had seemed. I'm sure there are still a few tricks that I'm going to need to learn for the final however.
The final project was alot more fun then I thought it was going to be. Our class is so creative, unique, and funny, and I know that I'm going to miss going to spanish next semester. It was really amazing seeing how much effort everyone put into their spanish projects and the outcome of everyones efforts.
This has probably been one of the most educational classes to me so far at UT. There are always those classes where you learn things, but then you forget them, but I think the method of teaching used in this class was flawless. I really enjoyed this class this semester, and I will truly miss coming to spanish class Monday through Thursday.

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