Wednesday, March 5, 2008

chapter 3

I thought this chapter was very confusing. The ing or iendo is a very confusing topic for me. I still don't think I am understanding how to do it correctly because today in the written assignment I think i conjugated the words incorrectly.
I thought it was really interesting though, I was listening to my mom on the phone talking in Spanish, and she used tener que. I like that phrase. It is really useful because you are always telling people I have to do this today. She also was explaining her daily routine and I was really shocked that I understood. She said she had to wake up early and get dressed and go to work. And that later she needed to go to the bank, but she wanted (tener ganas de) take a nap. That's really my main objective: to understand the language. Well I need to learn to speak it too and I suppose that is the hard part.

The other day we listened to a song in class and I really liked it. At the wedding receptions of my friends and family memebers they always have mariachi bands. It was really familiar music to me. I liked the lyrics to the song to about the guy waiting for the girl outside the window. It was a little creepy at times but there are American songs like that. Even though they are in different languages it shows that people still write about the same things.

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