Monday, February 18, 2008

Chapter 2 Post

This chapter focused on body parts, the verb gustar, the verb estar, numbers, professions, interogative words, colors, and descriptions. We learned that the verb estar is used while describing location and the state a person is in. We also learned descriptors for personality and physical attributes. When using these you use the verb ser. The verb gustar is different from other verbs in the sense that it describes what is being liked instead of who is doing the liking. Therefore, if what is being liked is plural, then you would use gustan. If what is being liked is singular or a verb, you use gusta. This is the rule regardless of how many people are doing the liking.

Even though I have taken Spanish before, it is becoming harder. It's hard to understand reading passages because there are often words we do not know the meanings of. The same goes for listening passges. I often can't understand what they are saying because of their accents and speed. It's really frustrating for me, so I can only imagine how frustrating it is for the people who have never taken Spanish before. Hopefully we'll start learning more vocab and stuff so we can understand better.

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