Monday, February 18, 2008

Blog 2

In chapter 2 the explanation of Hispanic culture was a little more in dept. It was interesting to know that in Florida, the city of San Agustin is the oldest european colonization in the United States dating all the way back to the year 1565. This is a fact that I would have never known if it wasnt presented to me in the textbook. It was also interesting to learn about the different famous Hispanic such as Dr. Severo Ochoa who recieved the Nobel Prize for medicine and Dr. Luis Alvarez who also recieved the Nobel Prize for Physics. Another importnat aspect of culture that was presented in chapter 2 was the different dialects. It is called spanglish or espanglish. This is simply a combination of spanish and english words that come together to make a new slang type words and is used by many bilingual speakers in the United States. Last but not least, I lso learned that there are five major Hispanic groups that is in the United States. They are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans and Salvadorians. All of these facts are important to know when learning the spanish language because it helps you appreciate the language and countries more.

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