Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I find learning spanish and the culture that goes with it very interesting. There are many words that are similar to english which makes it easier for me to remember. Words like interesante and persona are very recognizable even to those who have never learned spanish. Although these similarities make it easier for non-fluent spanish speakers, there are other rules that are very different. For example, the difference between masculine and feminine words. You interchange an 'o' or an 'a' depending on the subjects gender. They also distinguish between formal and informal. Aside from the language differences there are also cultural differences that I am now learning. One that surprised me was that in Latin American countries they are taught that there are five continents where I was always told seven. Also, hello and goodbyes are done differently then what I am used to. Rather than a wave, a kiss on the cheek is not out of the ordinary. I think it seems a lot more friendly and I really like that part of the spanish culture. I cant wait to learn more about it and really hope to be able to carry on a conversation with out any misunderstandings!

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